I love Ed. Ed is a great guy. A great talker and a great activist, charming, smart, knowledgeable, funny, relaxed. He has made saving the Earth his career. Until one day, when it became apparent that there wasn’t going to be any saving getting done any time soon.

What he actually told me, on camera, with tears pricking his eyes, is that we’re GOING to get 1.5 degrees of global warming, that is a done deal. That was my first shock. The second one was that the science predicts actually nearer to somewhere between 3 and 4 degrees.

These little numbers, they mean so little to so many. It’s just a wee bit warmer, right? It just means our summer is a bit hotter, right?

Oh no. What it means is global sea level rise that will flood all major coastal cities across the globe, accelerating the melting not just of polar ice cap, an ongoing phenomenon, but of the vast Thwaites glacier, which will add another metre sea level rise to that already disastrous situation. And that is before we even begin to take into account the cataclysmic changes to our weather - the feedback loop of storms and droughts, of extremes in temperature, of crop failure and supply breakdown, of the mass internal and external migration of millions upon millions of people, of a human system so frail in the face of this calamity, there are no adequate words. We are looking at an absolute end to any of the comfort, protection or safety we may once have enjoyed. And when I say We, I mean even the deluded super-rich.

You’ve watched Don’t Look Up, right? Well this is what it is based on. Why they bothered to make an analogy with a meteor I don’t know, especially as Leonardo Di Caprio is such a green enthusiast. But they got the greenwashing and the media denial down straight.

What Ed tells us here, three years ago, is that there isnt any hope. One might have tried to think of this as giving up or cynical. But it aint. The science is the science, and three years into the twelve left to us to make changes before climate crisis becomes globally unstoppable and of course we have done nothing.

Oh, not nothing actually.

We have done one thing. We have signed away our children’s future.

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