”Golf “ wrote Mark Twain famously “is the best way to ruin a perfectly good walk.”

Safe to say this can go for photography too, so here are some tips on how to make yourself truly miserable with a camera, early in the morning.

This week I was supposed to be giving my right hand a rest. Nonetheless I spent a good part of the time wielding a camera or “editing” my photos like a sulking child with a colouring book. And now I’m writing about it. Probably I should apologise in advance.

First up, you need to be the kind of person who wakes up at five in the morning. Like Canute and the tide, you cannot compel the sun to have a lie-in. If you like your bed, sunrises are not for you.

And If you live in Britain, you will know the sun takes most of the year off in any case, preferring to lounge around in the Mediterranean, California, the Kalahari desert. The upside for British people is they are not yet dying from climate-change-induced heat exhaustion. The downside is, every day is like the kind of duvet Sunday where you dont mind having a hangover.

And so.

Check the weather forecast and then ignore it. The met office employs over two thousand people and they are ALL somehow wrong, even though they mostly, literally have one job.

If you are up north remember “it’s quite mild” means -5C

If you are in Devon, where it is still 1973, bear in mind car parks often still require COINS

Are you addicted to caffeine? Embrace it, you’ will need 16 cups of coffee. It’s dawn, remember.

Toilets. You’re gonna need those too. Keep an eye out for public toilets, particularly for when that first jolt of caffeine lights the touch paper to the gunpowder plot of your bowels. Last night’s curry with your daughter (speaking rhetorically of course) may have been delicious, but the raging volcano of your butt at 5.30 in the morning is not something to deal with behind a bush with nothing but a discarded copy of the Sun. Although this IS the best use for the Sun, obviously.

Be aware that even though it is very pretty, nature is mostly completely horrible - often the grass is soaking, seeping through the not-walking-shoes you were idiot enough to slip your feet into; , the wind may well freeze your nads off, or, alternatively, you are already as hot and sweaty as a rhino in a sauna and the insects are already hungering for your blood. And dont expect nature to fall in line with your plans. Expect dogs. Their walkers take them out at dawn and they love to prance around barking at you. The dogs do too. Animals are dreadful generally; once, on a documentary, I lost my patience with a butterfly that wouldnt hold still for my camera and called it a c***. I dont think I was wrong.

Do not ask the locals where a good spot is- they literally don’t know anything about where they live. They only know about Taylor Swift, top dogging spots, and Pokemon.

When you arrive at your well-researched spot, you will find there are several good vantage points for when that rare but glorious yellow thing we call the sun looks like it may peek through. But also that there is a very small window before the sun will rise so high it will burn out on your camera’s sensor. So you should run between those vantage points like a flailing, gasping, panic-stricken fire warden, your jowls wobbling like jelly in a muslin bag, your man boobs flapping against your camera strap like swollen udders slapping against a milking stool.

And finally, though it should go without saying, make sure to charge your batteries before setting out. For example, this morning, I overnight-charged the one camera battery I brought with me. Importantly, I also forgot, in my tiredness, to actually take it out of the charger and insert it in the camera, ensuring that I turned up at the perfect sunrise location WITHOUT A USABLE CAMERA.

My little drone shoots phone-quality 12mp stills, so while I did get some fun video of the sunrise, the yachts and the shipwreck, the glorious photos I might have captured never happened. Genius.

I hope this all helps. Probably you havent even got out of bed yet. No Photographers were killed in the making of this post, but we live in hope.

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