
As one white guy to another.

As one non-black person to another.

I’m appalled. This isnt the 1970s. And back then it was wrong too.

This is the 21st century and thanks to this thing we call the internet, NO ONE has the excuse for not understanding, so please stop pretending you dont get it.

Black Lives Matter

Admitting you are wrong is always hard. If you are weak it is really really hard. So for those who cannot accept Black Lives Matter without arguing that All Lives Matter, for those who respond to Feminism by expressing a preference for that ridiculous non-term "Equalists", for those who cannot simply listen and empathise with those going through hell right now, I am sorry you feel so vulnerable, but please do yourself a favour: at the very least, please be quiet and listen. That way you will look more honourable and less foolish, angry and weak.

It isnt complicated. A black man, once again, was murdered by police officers. Once again, people of colour are afraid and angry. If this problem doesnt directly affect or frighten you, it should. And your lack of fear should frighten you, your cossetted, entitled, easy life of assumed safety. And arguing against Black Lives Matter makes you wrong, makes you one kind of racist or another.

Consider the words of filmmaker Spike Lee

"The land was stolen from native people, genocide was committed against the native people, and ancestors were stolen from Africa and brought here to work," he said.

"So the foundation of the United States of America is genocide, stealing land and slavery.

"Any architect will tell you that if you don't have a strong foundation, the building's going to be shaky, and shaky from day one... This original sin has not been dealt with since the birth of this country."

This is history. Fact. No civilised person can be proud of this.

So stop. Enjoy learning. Enjoy questioning your own assumptions. Enjoy being wrong and move on and support your fellow humans. They are all you have.

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