Some interviews and films are just a pure privilege and joy to shoot. When I arrive at Bruce’s studio in Wiltshire, the first thing that strikes me, as a shooting director and photographer, is the light. Well of course it would be; this is what Bruce does. With only East-facing windows, the studio is guaranteed a glorious view of the sunrise - for anyone in the office that early - and then lovely soft diffused light for the remainder of the day.

The second thing that is apparent, is the goodwill and generosity of all who work with and for Bruce, including the man himself. I am given ample time. I’m given a sandwich. I’m given two beautiful books.

But most important of all, Bruce gives a great interview, talking about his latest, wonderful light installations.

I got the call from Miles at G’Day group, over in Oz. They were creating a big promotion for one of Bruce’s installations. My job, to film and direct the interview.

At the age of  21 Bruce read a book called The Gifts of Unknown Things by Lyall Watson, about a girl who can see sounds in colour, a phenomenon known as Colour Synesthesia. As a tribute to Watson, Water-Towers consists of 69 towers that change colour in response to the music emanating from within them. Each tower is about two meters tall and made from over 200 stacked water bottles illuminated by optic fibres. In their original formation the towers resembled enormous liquid batteries of light arranged in a maze formation. Music emanates from the towers; the soundtrack reflects the musical diversity of many nations.

Words do so little to express any of this really. Watch the film. It says it all. Want to know more? Go check out Bruce’s work here

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